Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex has received a batch of unique transport equipment to ensure the operation of the largest dry dock in Russia and the sites of the second stage of the shipyard construction. Four flatbed transporters – multiwheelers have the cargo capacity range from 150 to 650 tons.

The multiwheeler is a multiple-wheel platform, equipped with driver’s cabins on both sides and has the possibility of remote control. Every wheel of multiwheeler can be rotated through 180 degrees, which allows to transport hundreds tons of bulky cargos with high maneuverability.

The main task of this equipment is the transportation of sections and blocks of vessels: from the workshops to the paint chambers, from the paint chambers to the open final assembly area. At the same time, two multiwheelers can be docked for synchronous operation, jointly transporting cargo weighing up to 1300 tons under the control of one driver – to ensure the advanced technology of large-block shipbuilding used at the shipyard.

Earlier, a system of self-driving modular wheeled transporters with the cargo capacity of 3300 tons was supplied to the shipyard. This equipment is also designed for the displacement of bulky sections and vessels’ blocks between the workshops and the sites of SSK during their construction.

When creating the Zvezda Shipyard, advanced technical solutions and the most modern equipment are introduced. The largest open final assembly area and dry dock in the country are fitted with unique crane facilities, including two “Goliath” type gantry cranes with the cargo capacity of 1200 tons each. The “Vympel” is also one of the largest floating transfer dock in Russia, it allows launching vessels up to 300 meters (length) and 51 meters (width), as well as objects of marine equipment with a launching weight of up to 40 thousand tons. Besides, the Shipyard is differentiated by the high degree of manufacturing automation, the high-precision methods of marking, welding and steel cutting, including laser, technologies of testing works based on the noncontact measurement and 3-D modeling, modern technologies of control processes and manufacturing planning at all the stages – from the developing documentation to the representation of the vessel.




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